Design Engineering and Vehicles

This Program (Department) operates within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The study program is harmonized with the Bologna system and currently there are two levels of studies: Bachelor and Master, and efforts are being made to create conditions for the organization of Doctoral studies.

The purpose of the Engineering Design and Vehicles Program is the technical basis for the construction and production of various machines, equipment, tools and implements, which were used in all branches of economy, industry, mining, energy, agriculture, transport, etc.

Bachelor study program

The program content in Bachelor studies enables students to gain an expanded knowledge base from mechanical engineering. At the same time, it enables students to acquire sufficient skills and experience for individual and group work during the solution of concrete problems in practice in the field of engineering design and mechanization, as well as enables them to create an adequate basis for further studies.

Undergraduate students take courses that develop and understand the graphical representation of machine constructions, assemblies, and machine parts. They master the methods of calculations and mechanical design, the statics of mechanical constructions, the mechanics of movement, the stability of parts, machines and equipment. With the application of computer technology and knowledge of relevant software, the aforementioned work in the field of professional and scientific research in this study program is performed more accurately, faster and easier.

Upon completion of this level of study in the Engineering Design and Vehicles Program, the student will be able to:

  •     recognize the fundamental disciplines in the field of design of: cars, power transmitters, mechanization, means of transport, vehicles, weightlifting machines and robotics,
  •     record and design details of machines, tools, machinery and equipment,
  •     make adequate calculations for details and sets of machines and equipment,
  •     make technical-technological drawings and prepare the accompanying technical documentation for each machine or equipment,
  •     acquire theoretical knowledge in the field of motorcycles, vehicles and their maintenance, and
  •     deepen theoretical knowledge from various specific segments of mechanical engineering, as in: automatic equipment, manufacturing, robotics, etc.

The Bachelor level course consists of compulsory and elective courses, which have a certain number of ECTS credits.

Upon completion of the second year of studies, the student may continue studies in the third year in the profiles of Engineering Design or Vehicles, depending on his/her determination.

Upon completion of studies in this Program, the student receives the title Bsc. and is trained to work in:

  •     fields of calculation and design of mechanical devices and mechanization in various fields of production,
  •     mechanical design bureaus of various factories and production workshops,
  •     technical institutes of the respective field,
  •     enterprises for the design and production of various machines and equipment from all fields,
  •     vehicle control and servicing centers,
  •     companies with advanced production through the application of robotics, transport and cargo handling systems,
  •     institutions for standards and norms of mechanical engineering, etc.

Master study program

Upon completion of the Bachelor studies, the student accumulates at least 180 ECTS and with the competition procedures and the fulfillment of the relevant criteria can enroll in the Master level studies in the Engineering Design and Vehicles Program.

Vocational training in the field of this Program represents the need for in-depth research of systems, machinery and equipment, which were used in all branches of economics, industry, mining, energy, agriculture, etc.

The content of the program in Master studies enables students to gain a good professional, respectively scientific basis for further research in the field of engineering. In this case, their training is oriented so that at the end of their studies they are able to solve in practice concrete problems in the field of design and mechanization, as well as in other areas that are related to this program.

After completing the Master, the graduates of this Program work mainly in scientific and research institutions in the field of mechanical systems, mechanical design offices and manufacturing companies, technical institutes, etc. having the opportunity to further develop their knowledge and expertise gained during studies through research of design processes, computational methods and the application of new technologies and robotics to solve practical problems.

The candidate after the successful completion of postgraduate studies Master, will be able to:

  •     deepen and apply the scientific knowledge obtained from the basic disciplines of design of cars, means of transport, power transmitters, mechanization, vehicles and robotics,
  •     research mechanical constructions, technical tools, equipment and machinery with modern scientific research methods,
  •     make adequate calculations, for mechanical elements, groups of machinery and equipment utilizing the latest achievements in the field of science and technology in general and information technology in particular,
  •     optimize and rationalize possible constructive solutions of machinery and equipment,
  •     identify and solve design problems and defects in all types of industrial equipment and various mechanisms,
  •    deal with the continuous advancement of professional and scientific - research work from the scope of tasks performed in the workplace, in accordance with contemporary technical - technological development.

The study programs are based on the best programs of some regional and European universities. Also, during the work of study programs and teaching curricula, the experience of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" and the needs of the economy of the Republic of Kosovo have been taken into account.

Dear future students,

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is an institution that aims at the development and prosperity of Kosovo's economy. Become part of this institution.

All the programs of this Faculty are attractive and appealing.

Do not hesitate to visit us and learn about anything that interests you about your studies.

For more information about the Engineering and Vehicle Design Program, the teaching process, courses and their content at all levels and other information, you can visit us at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the building of the Technical Faculty in Prishtina, or contact on tel. 038 - 552 - 126 or on the website, where you can find all the information and photo gallery about our activities.