FME Advisory Board

The Advisory Boards of the Academic Units of the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" are established and functions based on the regulations:

  • UP - Regulation No. 163 date 15/01/2015 on Establishment and Functioning Principles of the Advisory Board of Academic Units at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
  • FME - Regulation No. 1417 date 08/07/2016 on Establishment of the Advisory Board

These regulations define the character, membership, functioning, scopes, and manners of decision-making and mandate of the Advisory Board (AB). AB is a communication mechanism that enhances cooperation with businesses-institutions public and private and the Faculty in the common interest, especially in updating study programs and adapting curricula to the labour market needs; development of research projects of common interest; providing professional internship so that students apply theoretical knowledge’s in practice and increase the chances for employment and self-employment of graduates.

The FME Advisory Board was established on 13 July 2016.

Members of AB are elected representatives of institutions, private and public companies, and business associations which operate in relevant fields related to the existing study programs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

All FME-AB members have signed memo of understanding emphasizing the commitment to provide ongoing support to the Faculty to enhance the quality of study programs to develop student skills in line with labour market needs.

The President of FME-AB is Mr. Kemajl Zariqi, director of the Tools Factory "PLUS" a.e. Sh.p.k,

Email: [email protected]

Vice President Mr. Afrim Syla, Managing Partner at NTSH "Elen"

Email: [email protected]

Members of the FME Advisory Board from the labour market respectively from public and private institutions and companies are:

  • “Kosovo Energy Corporation” JSC, Prishtina
  • "Tools Factory PLUS Electrical Appliances" Sh.p.k. Ferizaj
  • Ministry of Economic Development
  • Ministry of Infrastructure, Prishtina
  • Kosovo Accreditation Directorate – Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Prishtina
  • Institute INKOS, Obiliq
  • N.T.SH. "ELEN", Prishtina
  • N.T.P. "DACI", Fushë Kosovë
  • N.T.SH. "DILLONI BENZ", Fushë Kosovë
  • ”EUROMETAL” Sh.p.k., Ferizaj
  • "SOLID" Sh.p.k., Suharekë
  • "MERCOM COMPANY", Prishtina
  • “METAL-ING” Sh.p.k., Deçan
  • "Turbo Engineering", Prishtina
  • ”EIZEK Mechatronics” , Prizren
  • “Solaborate”, Prishtina
  • "Termokos", Public Enterprise, Prishtina
  • "Jaha Solar", Prishtina
  • "HVAC TERMIKA", Prishtina